• 28 January 2008

Marriage preparation day for second marriages

The Church of Ireland Marriage Council is organising a 'Marriage Preparation Day for Second Marriages' on Saturday 23rd February 2008.   The event will be a means of pastoral preparation for those entering marriage for a second time.  Claire Missen, who is a very experienced and child qualified Marriage Counsellor will lead the day. 

The areas Claire plans to cover will include:

  •       Acknowledging the PastCommunicationIntimacy and SexResolving ConflictDifference between Second and First FamiliesUnderstanding the Child's PerspectiveStep Family Life CycleManaging Two HouseholdsTo and Fro ChildrenMaking it WorkCreating New Traditions.

In her wide experience as a Marriage Counsellor  Claire says:  ‘It's clear from research statistics that second marriages have a higher rate of breakdown than first .  A person marrying for the second time will have a strong desire for the mar