• 29 January 2008

St Patrick's Day celebrations in 2008

This year's St Patrick's Day celebrations in Saul and Downpatrick are rather different to the usual pattern  As the 17th March falls during Holy Week, the churches will be celebrating St Patrick on Saturday 15th.

But we will also have a special ‘Walk of the Cross' from Saul to Downpatrick on Monday 17th March, joining with the St Patrick's Day Parade and being a reminder to the whole community of the reconciling power of Christ.

Here's the programme for the 2008 celebrations:


 Saturday 15th March (St Patrick's Day, transferred)

 11.00am Holy Communion in Down Cathedral Preacher: Revd Paul Symonds, OBE (CC Ballymena - Kirkinriola) 12.15pm  Laying of the wreath on St Patrick's Grave


Monday 17th March

11.00am  Cross-community Prayer Service in Saul Church - followed by tea/coffee in Saul Parish Hall (bring packed lunch) 12.45pm     The ‘Walk of the Cross' from Saul to Downpatrick 2.00pm  Join with the St Patrick's Day Parade in Downpatrick  For those attending the service in Saul, taking part in the walk, and wishing to park in Downpatrick there will be a bus leaving the Mall at 10.30am

St. Patrick's Day has only ever once been moved before and that was in 1940 when St. Patrick's Day clashed with Palm Sunday. 

Click here to download a pdf version of the information leaflet