• 13 February 2008

'The New You' is 2008 confirmation theme

‘Confirmation season' has come round once more and the Share Centre at Lisnaskea was again  the venue for the 2008 ‘confirmation weekend', led by the Diocesan Youth Officer, Andrew Brannigan.

Those being confirmed this season and their leaders were at the Share Centre from Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th February, for what was hailed to be a weekend of great fun, fellowship and learning for the young people coming forward for confirmation. The candidates will currently be attending confirmation preparation classes in their own churches, but being at the confirmation weekend gives them a chance to make new friends, and more importantly to learn in an informal setting what confirmation means. Adrian Dorrian, curate of St Mark's Newtownards, was this year's guest speaker.

The confirmation theme chosen for 2008 and 2009 is ‘The New You' - based on 2 Corinthians 4:17 - ‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!'  Bishop Harold will be speaking to this theme at each Confirmation Service and as a preparation resource Andrew has distributed to clergy in the diocese a pack which contains special service invites for the candidates to distribute to friends and family; posters to advertise the confirmation service; a CD Rom featuring readings, sample services on PowerPoint and handouts; together with a copy of his Confirmation Handbook.

A new initiative this year will be the gift of a t-shirt (with ‘The New You' logo) for each candidate - Bishop Harold will present these at the end of each service.