• 20 March 2008

Patrick turns the stone on the 15th and 17th

Folklore has it that the weather on St Patrick's Day sets the tone for the rest of the year.  Well this year he couldn't quite make up his mind as the weather on the 15th and 17th seemed to be from two different seasons! 

The reason two dates are mentioned above is that this year, for the first time since 1940, Saint Patrick's Day fell during Holy Week resulting in Church of Ireland churches holding their services two days earlier, on Saturday 15th March.  The days of Holy Week and Easter Week rank above all others - the last time services were moved was in 1940 and the situation doesn't arise again until 2160. 

Saturday 15th March (transferred)

Down Cathedral was shrouded in low cloud and it was wet and cold for those arriving for the Holy Communion service. The Chair of Down & District Council, Mr Eddie Rea, together with other Councillors, members of the Cathedral Chapter, clergy from the diocese and other denominations and representatives from cross community groups heard Fr Paul Symonds preach on Saint Patrick's Confession. To download Fr Paul's sermon please click here.  Fr Paul was awarded an OBE in the New Year's Honours and he is well known for his reconciliation work. 

Worship at the service was led by Susan McCracken and the Choir of Down Cathedral. Following the service the annual wreath laying ceremony took place at Saint Patrick's grave.  Fr Sean Rogan laid the wreath after a short informal service.  Another departure from the norm was that there was no Irish Stew on offer this year and the Cathedral grounds looked strangely bare without the large white marquee.  However, Bishop Harold did promise:  ‘It will be business as usual next year' to which someone in the crowd, who had obviously noticed the absence of a marquee, was overhead to say: ‘Good, then I'll be able to have my lunch!'

Monday 17th March

In contrast to two days previously, those arriving on Monday 17th March to attend the cross community prayer service at Saul were greeted with blue sky, spring sunshine and the smell of newly mown grass.  The prayer service worship included reflective hymns and music with a Taize flavour provided by Julie Bell and Elaine Getty.  Bishop Harold brought a ‘reflection', with prayers led by people from the different churches.

There was time before the ‘Walk of the Cross' set off to enjoy packed lunches and refreshments provided by the ladies of Saul parish, with some groups and families enjoying their lunch outdoors in the spring sunshine (what a contrast from the weather conditions two days earlier!.

"Walk of the Cross"

A wooden cross and banners were carried at the front of the procession led by Bishop Harold and Fr Sean Rogan (representing Bishop John McAreavey, who because of other commitments was unable to attend).  Representatives from the local Roman Catholic, Presbyterian and Non-Subscribing churches also participated and stops were made at various points on the way for short times of prayer.

The Festival Parade

The ‘Walk of the Cross' arrived in time to join the main festival parade at Edward Street and there was a great family atmosphere with crowds lining both sides of the parade route as it wound its way through the streets of Downpatrick.  The cross and banners had a prominent position and served as a reminder to the whole community of the reconciling power of Christ. 

So two days in celebration of Saint Patrick this year, but as Bishop Harold said it will be ‘business as usual' next year.

Photographs courtesy of Jim Masson, Down Democrat (wreath laying) and Hugh Russell, Irish News (cross in parade)