• 03 April 2008

Susannah is Belfast 'Voice for Persecuted Church'

Heartiest congratulations to Susannah Manning, a parishioner of St Mary's Ballybeen, who won the under 18's Regional Final of a competition to find a voice for the Persecuted Church.

Hope Academy - billed as a Christian version of theĀ X Factor - came to Belfast for two days of auditions before the final was held in Willowfield Parish Church at the end of March. Sponsored by Saltmine Trust and Open Doors, Hope Academy is holding different regional finals around the UK, with the winners of the under 18 and over 18 categories given the chance of attending a music "boot camp" before the grand final in London in May.

Part of the winner's prize - which includes a recording contract and support from Christian music promoters NGM - will include a visit to the Persecuted Church in Cairo Egypt.

Text by Hilary McClay and photograph supplied by Open Doors.