• 17 June 2008

Bishop Harold ordains new deacon

On Sunday evening, 15th June 2008, the Bishop of Down & Dromore, the Rt Revd Harold Miller, ordained Gary McMurray as Deacon at a service held in Dromore Cathedral.  The preacher at the service was the Revd Tim Anderson, rector of St Elizabeth's, Dundonald, where Gary will serve his curacy.

This is Gary's faith story:

"As I was growing up in Dromore, I was always involved in the life of the Cathedral Parish. Over the years, I've been involved in the Boys' Brigade, Sunday School, Youth Club, Choir, SNYF, Bowling Club, Select Vestry and even spent a year as Churchwarden. When I was younger, I thought I had it made - God obviously loved me because I did all these things, and I was so much better than the other people at school. But I knew about God, rather than knowing God. Thankfully all that changed during a week of mission in November 1992, when I came to see that it isn't about what I do for God - it's what God has done for us, in sending Jesus to die on the cross to save us from our sins. The only appropriate response is in repentance and faith, making Jesus our Saviour and King. I was a new creation!

Through the encouragement of my Rectors, Billy and Stephen, and our Curate, Gareth, I was helped to discover my spiritual gifts, primarily that of teaching and preaching. Despite initially hesitating and denying the call to the preaching ministry, I came to trust in God's perfect timing, and explored ordained ministry. I believe that God has called me to tell people about the love and grace of God found in Jesus Christ and to proclaim and explain God's word. There is no better thing in which to spend my time and myself.

Things have not always been easy in College, but God is faithful! The past three years have been a useful time of preparation and growth. The highlights for me were the parish placements in Magheralin and Drumgath & Drumgooland. The people there have been very encouraging and supportive, and I enjoyed my time in both parishes immensely.

This summer is a busy one, with my marriage to Lynsey next month. Please pray for us, as we settle into Dundonald and begin work there. Pray also for the parish of Dundonald, and for Tim in our work together.

‘Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we as or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.' (Ephesians 3:20-21)."