• 26 June 2008

Interested in getting youth or children's work experience?

New Wine, Ireland are looking for people who are interested in volunteering for a year, to work with one of two churches in Northern Ireland in St John's, Moira, or Willowfield Parish, Belfast.

The scheme is set up and administered by New Wine Ireland and provides opportunities to minister in a wide range of areas.

The area of ministry will depend on which church you choose to work with. This is a great opportunity for those who may wish to go into youth or children's work to get experience, on the job training and is a real taste of what this work involves.

This scheme is open to anyone who is over 18 years old and is willing to spend a year working as a full time volunteer.

New Wine, Ireland, ask each person taking part in the scheme to raise £1450.00. Housing, a weekly allowance and training are provided by the church you choose to work for.

For Further details: www.new-wineireland.co.uk/yearout.htm

Email: info@new-wineireland.co.uk

Telephone: 07813 473 376 or 028 90454119