• 06 June 2008

A new home and a new name

The General Synod Board for Social Responsibility (NI) has a new name and a new home.  The new title is Board for Social Action (NI) and the impressive new premises are at Heron Road on the outskirts of Belfast.

Archbishop Alan Harper, who is Chairman of the Board, performed the opening ceremony and invited guests were welcomed by the Chief Executive, Mr Ian Slaine. The new premises, which are easily accessed by car and public transport, are designed with the Board's Service Users in mind.  The new facilities include a range of counselling and meeting rooms.

The Board of Social Action (BSA) provides:

  • Adoption Routes (a comprehensive range of adoption related services delivered by qualified and experienced social work personnel, who also have counselling qualifications)

  • Fertility Counselling (BSA is the lead provider of Fertility Counselling in Northern Ireland and receives core grant aid from the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety)

  • Financial Support to Families in Need

  • Services to the Adult Deaf, and

  • Social Awareness Raising within the Church of Ireland.

For further information on the services offered by BSA they can be contacted as follows:

T:         (028)9073 6088,  

E:         bsr@ireland.anglican.org

W:        http://www.fertility-counselling.org.uk

The photograph above (taken by Janet Maxwell) shows Archbishop Harper and Mr Ian Slaine with staff, board members, and guests outside the new premises at Heron Road, Belfast.