• 31 July 2008

"Keeping the Faith in Hard Times"

Never has a title been more relevant in today's secular world than this one.  The former Bishop of New Zealand, the Rt Revd Derek Eaton, will be taking "Keeping the Faith in Hard Times", based on a study of 1st and 2nd Timothy, as his theme for the 2008 Bishop's Bible Week. 

This year's Bible Week is taking place from 26th to 29th August at Willowfield Parish Church, starting at 8pm each evening.  The Bishop of Down & Dromore, the Rt Revd Harold Miller, hosts the Bible Week, which now takes place annually in different parts of the diocese. Bishop Harold explains: "That  little ‘gap' after the August Bank Holiday - when most people are back from holiday, children preparing to return to school and when planning for the new season of church activities is well advanced - is the perfect time for us to take time out and root ourselves in the Word of God."

Bishop Derek was Bishop of Nelson, New Zealand for seventeen years and during his time as bishop he presided over the fastest growing diocese in the ‘westernised' half of the Anglican Communion.  He and his wife, Alice, have spent many years serving in North Africa and Egypt as mission partners and they are currently in the Middle East where Bishop Derek is Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa.

Each of the Bible Week evenings will have a different focus:

Tuesday 26th August

A challenge to the local church (! Timothy 2:1-7)

Wednesday 27th August

A challenge to men and women of God (1 Timothy 5:11-12)

Thursday 28th August

A challenge to keep going! (2 Timothy 1:1-7)

Friday 29th August

A challenge for the ‘Last Days' (2 Timothy 3:1-7)

The daily worship slots will feature different soloists, music and drama and it is hoped to have a few well known people doing bible readings.

Bishop Harold is specially inviting all those in any kind of leadership role in the parishes of the diocese - whether it is those elected to a particular role, or those involved in Mothers' Union, Bible Study, Men's Groups, Sunday School leaders or youth work, or the parishioner in the pew - each and every one will receive a warm welcome to the Bible Week from Bishop Harold.

To download a copy of the Bible Week flyer click here.