• 06 August 2008

Bishop Justin visits Dromore Cathedral

Following the Lambeth Conference, the Rt Revd Justin Badi Arama, Bishop of Maridi Diocese in Southern Sudan, and his wife, Mama Joyce, have arrived on a visit to the Diocese of Down & Dromore.  During a packed programme, which was arranged by Jane Corbett, they visited Dromore Cathedral's Clayton Memorial Hall, which was packed with parishioners and supporters who came along to meet Bishop Justin and Mama Joyce.

Bishop Justin was welcomed to Dromore by Canon Cecil Wilson, former curate of the Cathedral and retired ‘mission pioneer' with CMS Ireland. Canon Wilson began the evening by explaining his role in the formation of the link between Down and Dromore and Maridi Diocese, closely followed by a visit he made to Southern Sudan with Bishop Harold in 1999. Bishop Justin was described as a "remarkable young man" whose faith sustained him and his people through some very difficult times in his homeland and Canon Wilson said he was "privileged to have spent the day with him and his wife". This is, he explained, a man who put his life on the line for the Gospel he firmly believes in and that the vibrancy of faith in Southern Sudan would put us to shame!

Bishop Justin chose a reading from Psalm 8 for his theme - "Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" David, he said, was a king - he was rich, prosperous and intelligent - there was no one like him. All he had humbled him and he exalted the Lord above all else. Bishop Justin then challenged us all - does our wealth humble us? Will we go to the ends of the earth? He joked that Mama Joyce and himself had come to the ends of the earth in Northern Ireland!

He praised those who had reached out to his people and thanked them for all they have done. Particular mention was made of Jane Corbett and James Riddell from Dromore Cathedral who have already visited Maridi - "several people here have reached Maridi, shared in our life and seen how we live. On behalf of the people of Maridi, thank you".

When asked about becoming Bishop, Justin joked that he tried to dodge being made a Bishop. He said that he considers himself different to the traditional idea of a Bishop in that he's "slim with hair"! On a more serious note, however, he said that he was doing exactly what the Lord wanted him to do and will continue to do so.

Rousing worship was led by Ronan Smith on the guitar and included ‘We are marching' and ‘Jesus bids us shine'. The Bishop and his wife clearly enjoy singing and burst into spontaneous song with two members of the Dromore Cathedral's Youth Fellowship, but who come from Magherally Parish, with an African piece they were taught by Rev Naftlay Lemooke who spent time in Magherally until recently.

Mama Joyce spoke about the Mothers' Union in Southern Sudan and Bishop Justin concluded by suggesting three ways in which people from Down and Dromore can help his people;

  • Prayer

  • Donations

  • Take up the challenge laid down by Jesus to go to the ends of the earth and travel to Maridi to spend time with them in mission work, or as teachers.

Before supper was served, three members of Dromore Cathedral explained how a prayerful vision of "Fields of Hope" became a reality in a tapestry-like picture presented to Bishop Justin and Mama Joyce to take home with them. Everyone present also signed the back of the picture.

Text and photographs by Scott Mackey