• 28 August 2008

A Challenge to Men and Women of God

Continuing the second night of Bishop’s Bible week 2008, guest speaker Rt Rev Derek Eaton the former Bishop of Nelson in New Zealand, who is currently Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa, focused on a challenge to men and women of God as part of the series on ‘keeping the faith in hard times’. Bishop Derek took 1 Timothy 6:11-16 as his text and considered a three-fold appeal as;

  • An ethical appeal – to “flee”, “shun” run away from all kinds of evilto “pursue” righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness

  • A Doctrinal appeal – “fight the good fight of the faith”

  • An experiential appeal – to take hold of eternal life

Bishop Derek emphasised the relevance of this message for us in today’s society.  

Worship was led by New Dawn from St Patrick’s Newry and included some lively and reflective singing. Hymns included “I want to walk with Jesus Christ” and were led on the Organ by John Little. Rev Adrian Dorrian and David McCracken from St Mark’s Newtownards performed a short dramatic piece based on the theme for the night and Mervyn Jess, the well-known BBC journalist and author of “The Orange Order” - an objective account of the organisation from its formation to the present day read the lesson from 1 Timothy 6: 11-16. Mervyn is  a lifelong member of St Marys Parish Church, Comber.

Bill and Sally Ireland from Willowfield Parish shared with the gathered congregation about their experience of ‘keeping the faith in hard times’ in the times leading up to and following the sad death of their son, Philip in May 2008. Philip had been diagnosed with astrocytoma, a brain tumour, in December 2007 and his vibrant and personal faith in Jesus Christ was and is surely the foundation that has enabled his parents to carry on. Bishop’s Bible week continues at 8pm on Thursday and Friday night 28th and 29th August at 8pm in Willowfield Parish Church.