• 16 September 2008

'JIMS' Centre Official Opening in Kilkeel

A cross community drop in centre for young people opens after its refurbishment & extension.....

  New facilities at the JIMS Centre, a cross community drop in centre for young people in the town of Kilkeel, were officially opened by one of the original founders, the Revd Canon David McClay.The £268,500 project, which is an extension and refurbishment of existing premises on Greencastle Street, was funded by the EU Peace & Reconciliation Programme (through the Northern Ireland Rural Development Council - RDC); the International Fund for Ireland; and Kilkeel Parish Bridge Association Limited (KPBAL) with the help of the local community. The project, led by KPBAL aims to provide a safe and neutral environment where young people from both communities can come together to engage in recreational activities.The new facilities include an IT suite, kitchen and disabled facilities including toilets and a lift, funded through Newry and Mourne LSP and other funders. On the first floor, there is a large multi-activity room with a stage, office accommodation and storage space in addition to the existing meeting/activity room.Kilkeel has a history of sectarianism and Kilkeel Parish Bridge Association Limited was originally founded in 2000 by concerned members of the Church of Ireland, to address the rise of anti-social behaviour in the town. Due to overwhelming demand JIMS quickly outgrew their original premises and thereby created a need for somewhere new. Bringing young people together in this neutral environment is a huge step forward for the area.Speaking at the official opening, Dr Arthur Mitchell, Council Member, RDC, said: "As a local to the area, I am aware of the vital services that this centre has provided since its doors opened over 7 years ago. It has been at the forefront of supporting young people, offering essential educational, social, health, welfare and advice services. The newly extended centre will allow them to target a greater number of young people from all traditions and I am sure their successes will continue well into the future'.The Revd Gary Millar, former Chair of the Kilkeel Parish Bridge Association Limited, said that there are already a number of activities underway at JIMS. "Before the extension to our facilities, we had to limit attendance to certain activities and we are delighted that we can now accommodate so many more young people. A group of our young people have recently joined with local charity ‘Fields of Life' and are heading out to Uganda to work with teachers and pupils to help broaden their own horizons. This really is a great example of how far we have come. We also run ‘Romance Academy' Courses for 15 - 18yr olds to make young people aware of sexual health issues and encourage them not to rush their relationships."