• 27 October 2008

Cathedral Organ Rebuild Gathers Pace

The 1871 Conacher Organ in Dromore Cathedral was removed piece by piece in September for an extensive rebuilding project which will take several months. The instrument was carefully dismantled and transported to the workshop of Trevor Crowe (organ builder) at Upper Hodgestown, Donadea in County Kildare.

There, a team of experienced craftsmen are restoring the organ before returning it bit-by-bit to be re-installed in the Cathedral. The restored organ will be larger than previously - with more pipes, further stops, a new mechanism and a remote console located closer to the choir (see photograph below).


During the week of 20th October, the installation work for the rebuilt and enhanced instrument commenced. Within a couple of days the new remote console had been positioned and the electrical supplies were being put in place. The organ chamber had also been installed, including one of the wind chests. The Swell Louvres are fitted and ready for connection to the console, by cable.

A 16' pedal wood pipe has arrived and is waiting on the Cathedral's balcony for the rest of the pedal pipes to be delivered and installed there.

The new console is a beautifully made oak shell with draw stops in place, although the electric contacts have still to be connected.  

The Organ builder, Trevor Crowe expects to have some working stops by Christmas and is presently revoicing the old pipes and working on a number of new pipes. The Pedal department has gone from 1 stop to 10 stops, including reeds.  

The rebuilt and enhanced organ will be officially dedicated and launched in October 2009. There will be a number of concerts and services to mark this event. A large Dromore Diocesan Choral Evensong featuring music such as Stanford in C - Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis as well as Greater Love by Ireland with responses by Ayleward will be the main dedication. The inaugural recital will be by Theo Saunders, Organist at St Patrick's Cathedral Armagh. 

Capella, the Chamber Choir from Wallace High School in Lisburn (led by Head of Music and Cathedral Organist, David Falconer) will also sing a concert, and it is hoped to have the Dublin Symphony orchestra visiting and the Choirs of St Bartholomew's Dublin and St Finbarre's Cathedral Cork during the months of October and November.

Trevor Crowe has also completed Organ rebuilding and restoration projects in St Bartholomew's Dublin, The National Concert Hall in Dublin, St Peter's Eton Square London, St Mary the Great (the University Church in Cambridge) and Galway Cathedral in recent years.

More information on concerts, recitals and other events will be made available in the coming months.