• 03 October 2008

Re-dedication of Abbacy Church


On Sunday 28th September a large congregation gathered on a lovely sunny afternoon to re-dedicate the Parish Church of Ardquin, just north west of Portaferry. The church is known locally as the Abbacy and serves the local Church of Ireland congregation and the wider community. This was reflected in the make up of the congregation which consisted of ecumenical representatives and local politicians. The preacher, Rt Rev'd Harold Miller, Bishop of Down and Dromore, reminded the congregation of the biblical idea of worshipping God in his temple whilst also challenging those present not just to meet to worship God in the lovely re-decorated building but to move out to serve the local community. After the service, a reception was held in the adjoining grounds of the church where many memories were shared among the large congregation.

The Abbacy was first consecrated in 1827 but there is much evidence to suggest that Christian worship was going on at the sight for many years before that. Recent archaeological excavations have produced evidence of a much earlier Christian community. The Heritage Agency has shown great interest in the site and they plan to carry out more surveys and digs.