• 02 October 2008

Tearfund President to visit Northern Ireland

Tearfund are extending an invitation to attend a special event hosted by the Centre for Contemporary Christianity in Ireland.  The keynote speaker Elaine Storkey, philospher, sociologist, theologian and President of Tearfund will be delivering an address entitled "Credit Crunch: Curse or Blessing?"

With the doom and gloom around global recession and as we struggle with rising prices, Elaine will challenge us to think what difference does faith make to our economic decisions.

The event will take place in Union Theological College, Botanic Avenue, Belfast on Thursday, 14th October 2008

The Centre for Contemporary Christianity in Ireland is committed to helping you and your church effectively serve Christ and our changing world.

The changing Ireland has already, and will continue, to demand much of the church. Centre for Contemporary Christianity works across the Christian traditions to address the challenges of a new era for the people of Ireland.