• 01 October 2008

Theological Lectures at UU

The Anglican Chaplaincy of the University of Ulster (at Jordanstown and Belfast) are holding their 2008 annual theological lectures in early November. 

The lectures run over two nights, Mon 3rd and Tues 4th November, 2008, 7.30pm at the Belfast campus of the University (beside Belfast Cathedral) and the guest lecturer is Professor Gordon Wenham, Professor Emeritus of the University of Gloucestershire and former lecturer at the School of Semitic Studies, Queen's University of Belfast. His overall subject over the two lectures is 'The Old Testament as Christian Scripture', with the first (Mon 3rd) subtitled, 'What can we learn from the law?' and second (Tues 4th) subtitled, 'The Lord is my Shepherd: the Psalms as ethic?'.

The lectures will be introduced by the Rev Dr Maurice Elliott, Director of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, and Professor Alistair Adair, Provost of the campus and Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University over the two nights, respectively.  

Free car parking is available in the precincts of Belfast Cathedral and tea/coffee will be served from 6.30pm.

Should you require further information, please contact Revd Trevor Johnston, Church of Ireland Chaplain for Jordanstown and Belfast campuses on 028 9036 6404 or by emailing trev@truuth.com