• 05 November 2008

Carnalea Choir Hits a High Note!

It isn't every day that a Parish sees eight new choristers admitted into the choir - but this is what happened in St Gall's Carnalea on the first Sunday in October. After a numer of weeks of practice and preparation, the new choristers received their robes and took their places in the front pew of the choir stalls. The Parish now has twelve young choristers in total and as long as they all "budge up" they manage to fit onto the pew! It's a tight squeeze!

The admission of the new choristers that day saw a little piece of history being made. The admission of Helen Dunn as one of the new choristers saw her carrying on a family tradition of choir membership that stretches back over thirty years. Along with her dad Michael and Grandfather Alan, she is now the third generation of the family to be singing in the choir.

With so many new choristers joining the choir at the same time they are going to need some help and support as they settle into this new role. The person they will look to for that week by week is new Head Chorister Megan Kerr. At the same service, Megan received her Head Choristers Medal. The Parish wishes her well in this new and challenging role.

With thanks to Saint Gall's Parish Magazine for providing this article and photographs.