Installation of Canons at Dromore Cathedral
At a service of Evening Prayer on Sunday 23rd November, the Revd Canon Roderic West was installed as Chancellor on the Chapter of Dromore Cathedral. Canon West was preferred by Bishop Harold Miller from the post of Treasurer following the retirement of the Revd Canon Brian Blacoe (also former Rector of Knocknamuckley) in August.
The Revd Canon Warren Russell was also installed as Canon West’s replacement in the post of Treasurer.
Roderic West is rector of Moira. He was appointed there in 1995 having previously been rector of Carrowdore and Millisle in the Diocese of Down. He served a curacy in Dromore Cathedral and will be gathering with us for refreshments in the Cathedral Hall which shares the site of the old Schoolmaster’s House which was then his home. His family home was in Littlemount Maguiresbridge Co Fermanagh.
Roderic’s ministry in Moira has extended beyond the boundaries of the parish. He has served as Rural Dean of the vast former rural deanery of Shankill with great skill and attention to detail, honouring and encouraging the ministry of his colleagues in the deanery. He is currently Clerical Honorary Secretary of the Diocese of Dromore, and serves on several diocesan committees. His appointment to the Chapter in 2005 was warmly welcomed by his friends and colleagues who wish him well with his preferment to be Chancellor.
Roderic’s passion for people, parish growth, and productive ministry is only matched by his desire to see people of all ages come to share his faith in the Saviour. We wish Canon Roderic West well in his endeavours, and we encourage him with our prayerful support tonight.
Warren Russell is rector of Magheradroll, Ballynahinch. Born in Dublin, Warren was later educated in Belfast at Methodist College. He continued his studies at Queen’s University, Belfast from where he emerged with an Honours degree in Social Sciences in 1974. At Theological College he once more shone as an exemplary and capable student gaining prizes for his studies in Liturgy, History and best overall marks in his year.
He became curate of Agherton (Portstewart) in 1977 before moving to Lisburn Cathedral from 1979 to 1983. His quiet manner and dignified nature won him many admirers. Following his marriage to Frieda he was appointed Rector of Magheradroll in 1983. On the twenty fifth year of his service there, and following many years serving as Rural Dean of Dromore and fulfilling a fruitful ministry across the community in Ballynahinch, Bishop Harold Miller appointed him as Treasurer of Dromore Cathedral.
Warren is warmly welcomed to the chapter by his fellow members and we look forward to his contribution to the Diocese of Dromore through his fellowship in the Gospel. We wish Canon Warren Russell and his parish well as they enter this new era in his ministry.
The preacher at the service of installation was the Revd Canon Robert Howard, Prebendary of Dromara (and Rector of Annahilt and Magherahamlet Parishes). Music was led by the Cathedral Choir and worship group.
The Chapter of Dromore Cathedral:
Dean: Stephen Lowry (Rector of Dromore Cathedral)
Archdeacon: John Scott (Rector of Seapatrick Parish, Banbridge)
Chancellor: Roderic West (Rector of Moira)
Precentor: Jim Sims (Priest–in–charge of Clonallon & Warrenpoint)
Treasurer: Warren Russell (Rector of Magheradroll)
Prebendary: Robert Howard (Rector of Annahilt & Magherahamlet)