Website improvements keep on coming!
The Down and Dromore Diocesan Website continues its incremental programme of enhancement and development...
As well as the previously introduced Magazine section, featuring faith, prayer and mission stories from around the Diocese and beyond; an improved events section including full details of up-coming events within and related to the life of the Diocese; and an enhanced news section; information on ministries has been updated and new sections added.
These new sections include
The Wider World - including details on our link Dioceses of Albany (New York State); Maridi (Southern Sudan) and Northern Argentina. There are also sections on short term mission, Mission partnerships and mission and relief agencies.
Children and Youth - including information about the Down and Dromore Youth Council (DDYC); the General Synod Board of Education and Childrens' & Youth Ministry Support & Resources (including details of the Church of Ireland Youth Department (CIYD))
Community - detailing 'Fresh Expressions' or new ways of 'doing' church in the Diocese; Community Projects and Caring Associations (eg Willowfield, Shankill & Kilkeel); The Church of Ireland Board for Social Action (including Adoption Routes & the Fertility Counselling Service NI)
The Mothers' Union in Down and Dromore
Healing Ministry
The Kilbroney Centre - a residential centre in the Mournes.
Information on Cathedrals, Church House, Diocesan Staff and the Good Book Shop has also been updated.
There is also a photo gallery which will contain photographs of events and Diocesan life, and we have incorporated a comprehensive site map to enable visitors to find their way around more easily.
The Parish Pages are being updated to provide the most comprehensive and accurate information about our 76 parish units and some 110 churches.
To access these sections, just click on the 'ministries' and 'about us' links on the menu bar at the top OR see the scrolling links on the front page.
If you have any further suggestions, would like something included in the news, magazine or events section of the website, please contact Dr Scott Mackey, Diocesan Communications and Projects Officer at