Cathedral Charities sit-out passes £200,000
(Individual donates £15,000)
The total raised so far this year by the Belfast Cathedral sit-out for Charities passed the £200,000 on Monday December 22.
The Dean of Belfast, Very Rev Dr Houston McKelvey, who heads the Cathedral's team of "Black Santas" said, "The weather on Monday was much kinder and we were delighted to be visited by so many people. A good number came in family groups and several brought with them large collections of coins which they had saved during the past year. But our total soared today with a generous donation from a private individual of £15,000. This donor, who is known to me, is a committed member of his parish church and has generously supported the sit-out in recent years. He is a quiet individual of sincere faith who comes along each year and without any fuss drops his cheque in the barrel.
"Hopefully the good people of Belfast and the wider community will continue to come over between Tuesday and Wednesday. One thing we do know from the various charities we are in contact with, is that this year, more so than ever, they need all the help they can get.
"I would like to thank all those folk who individually, from their work, schools, churches and clubs have given so generously once again".