Bishop Harold co-chairs his first AMICUM meeting in Mexico
Bishop Harold has recently returned from his first meeting of AMICUM, of which he is joint co-chair. AMICUM, The Anglican - Methodist International Commission for Unity in Mission, held its first meeting in the Centro Anglicano de la Diócesis de México in Mexico City, as guests of the Anglican Consultative Council. The Commission was co-chaired by the Right Revd Harold Miller, the Bishop of Down and Dromore (Church of Ireland), for the Anglican Communion, and the Revd Professor Robert Gribben (Uniting Church in Australia), Chairman of the Standing Committee on Ecumenics and Dialogue, on behalf of the World Methodist Council.
The Commission has been given a mandate by its sponsoring bodies as set out in the London Document, the Report of the Anglican - Methodist International Consultation, which took place in London, UK, in November 2007. Building on our common confession of the apostolic faith and our participation in God's mission, the purpose of the Commission is to advance the full visible communion of Anglicans and Methodists at every level as a contribution to the full visible unity of the Church of Christ. It has been asked to monitor and resource relations between Anglicans and Methodists, and to propose ways to achieve this goal.
The Commission began its work by reviewing the reports and agreements produced by Anglican and Methodist dialogues both at the international and the regional levels. It also identified the main strands of work which it wishes to address at future meetings. The meeting took place in the context of daily prayer, worship, and the celebration of Holy Communion in both traditions. The members of the Commission left the meeting with enthusiasm about the work to be done, and the possibility of the reconciliation of our two traditions.
The Commission is grateful for the warm welcome given to it by the Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico, by the Most Revd Carlos Touché-Porter, the Anglican Archbishop of Mexico, and the staff of the Diocese of Mexico and the Anglican Centre. The Commission were also pleased to receive a joint visit from Archbishop Carlos, the local Methodist bishop, Bishop Moisés Valderrama Gomez, and the principals of their respective seminaries, the Very Revd Pablo Ramos and the Revd Andrés Hernández. The Commission also enjoyed the hospitality of Christ Church, Mexico City, where they worshipped on Sunday, 11th January.
The Commission will meet next in February 2010 in the United Kingdom.
The members of the Commission are:
The Rt Revd Harold Miller (Church of Ireland), Co-Chair Canon Paul Avis (Church of England) The Rt Revd Franklin Brookhart (The Episcopal Church, USA) The Venerable Flavio Irala (Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil) (not present at this meeting) Canon Lulama Mtanjiswa Ntshingwa (Anglican Church of Southern Africa) The Rt Revd Dr. Surya Prakash (Church of South India) Canon Gregory K Cameron, Anglican Communion Office, Co-Secretary
The Revd Professor Robert Gribben (Uniting Church in Australia), Co-Chair Dr Elizabeth Amoah (Methodist Church Ghana) (not present at this meeting)
Bishop Thomas L Hoyt Jr (Christian Methodist Episcopal Church) (not present at this meeting) The Revd Dr Lorna Khoo (Methodist Church in Singapore) (not present at this meeting) The Revd Gareth Powell (Methodist Church of Great Britain) The Revd Dr George Freeman, World Methodist Council, Co-Secretary Methodist Consultants (for this meeting only) The Revd Dr Douglas Mills (United Methodist Church) The Revd Peter Sulston (Methodist Church of Great Britain)
Bishop Walter Jagucki (Lutheran Church in Great Britain) on behalf of the Lutheran World Federation.