• 27 January 2009

Death of the Revd Robin Harris

The Revd Robin Harris, who served as curate assistant in the non-stipendiary ministry in St Gall's, Carnalea, died on Sunday 25th January, after a short illness.  Robin's funeral service will be held in St Gall's, Carnalea on Friday, 30th January at 11am.

Robin was ordained deacon in June 2005 and as priest the following year.  Before training for the ministry he was involved with broadcasting, and was a former Head of BBC Radio Ulster. 

Robin is survived by his wife, Sandra, and two daughters, Kathy and Kerri. Kathy's severe learning disability and complex needs shaped his family life.  He was chair of the Church of Ireland Church's Working Group on Disability until 2008.  

He was also actively involved in many voluntary organizations, including being the founding chair of L'Arche, an organization which supports people with learning disabilities.  Robin was also a former regional executive of Help the Aged and was a non-executive director of South & East Belfast HSS Trust, a post he held from 1993 until 2001.  Until the end of 2005 he was chair of the South & East Trust.