Bishop Harold Commends Prayer and Purple to the Diocese
The Bishop has written commending the Church Leaders' Prayer and Purple initiative to all clergy and people of the diocese.
"We are being asked to pray specifically this weekend, and especially in our Sunday worship, for peace in this land, and for the families of those who have been bereaved in the past days. I hope you will join us. I hope also that you will take the opportunity to wear a purple ribbon or item of clothing as a lenten sign of solidarity."
Bishop Harold goes on to explain purple as symbolising:
Our sadness and lamentation in relation to what has happened in Antrim and Craigavon
A commitment to find some time to fast and pray for our land in the remaining weeks of Lent
An honest heart-searching in each one of us, to see if there is any root of bitterness, hatred or sectarianism in our hearts.
He continues, "For many years, we lived out of the words in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Perhaps this time, when we may have settled in to a more complacent way of thinking, is a time to be reminded of them:
If my people, who are called by my name
humble themselves
seek my face,
and turn from their wicked ways;
I will hear from heaven,
and will forgive their sin,
and heal their land.
The Bishop also urges pilgrims to join him on St Patrick's Day on the Prayer Walk for Peace in Our Land. There is free bus transport to Saul Church available outside Down Cathedral until 10.15am, with the walk beginning at 10.30am. People are advised to park in Downpatrick and pick up their cars later.
Bishop Harold concludes, "I deeply sense God doing a new work in Northern Ireland at this time, and bringing good out of the most evil of situations."
May the Lord bless you all,
In Christ
+Harold D+D