• 07 April 2009

Holy Week and Easter Services '09

In the Christian Church, Holy Week is the last week of Lent and the week before Easter. It is a solemn time when we gather to reflect on the events leading up to Jesus' passion and crucifixion.

Good Friday, however, gives way to Easter Sunday when we celebrate Jesus' resurrection and all that it means for mankind. It is the most joyful day in the Christian calendar.

If you are looking for a church in which to worship during these special days you will be warmly welcomed throughout the diocese.  Service times are published in parish magazines and websites and you will also find details and/or contact people on the Parish Pages of this site.



Services at Down Cathedral

Good Friday

11.30am - 12.30pm the Cathedral is open for quiet prayer and reflection.

1pm Interdenominational walk of witness from the St Patrick's Centre

No evening service at the Cathedral but a service of prayer and meditation at St Margaret's Parish Church at 8pm

Easter Sunday

11.30am A service of Holy Communion for Easter Day. Preacher The Right Revd Harold Miller, Bishop of Down and Dromore.


Services at Dromore Cathedral

8pm Good Friday: ..... A service of Music and Readings

12th April Easter Day

8.30 am ......Holy Communion One

9.15 am to 10.45 am (last orders 10.30) BREAKFAST in Cathedral Hall

11.00 am ......Celebrate Easter Together a combined service for all ages

6.00 pm ......Evening Prayer One