• 02 April 2009

Will you say "I am a Christian"?

THE CHRISTIAN MEDIA GROUP, Premier are calling on 100,000 Christians to declare their faith by signing an online declaration at http://www.iamachristian.co.uk/ this Easter. The 'I am a Christian' campaign launches this week in as a direct response to the National Secular Society's five year campaign which encouraged 100,000 people to "de-baptise" themselves by signing a Certificate of De-baptism."My faith is at the centre of my life and I am honoured to declare that," Peter Kerridge, CEO at Premier said, "Many Christians feel passionately about their religion. We're asking those Christians to declare their beliefs online and to stand united in our shared faith."The announcement of the campaign follows in the wake of the first atheist bus advert which held the message, 'There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life' and was supported by Richard Dawkins and the British Humanist Association. "Christianity will continue to be challenged by secular society - the National Secular Society's campaign is just one example of this," Kerridge said, "However, we will not be downtrodden by their campaign." "We plan to offer a message of hope and faith through the site. What better time of year to do that than Easter? I hope my fellow Christians will take two minutes out of their day to sign up to this important campaign and be counted as a Christian."Christians on Twitter and Facebook are calling others to take part at twitter.com/premierradio as well as the pre-existing Facebook group Are there 1,000,000 Christians in the UK who are passionate for Jesus? but the main action is taking place at http://www.iamachristian.co.uk/.