• 16 June 2009

Bishop cuts first sod at Seagoe

Bishop Harold recently joined representatives of various parish organisations in the official sod-cutting ceremony for Seagoe's new parish centre.

The sod-cutting and blessing took place on the building site after a very well attended 10.30am service when some of those involved in the design and building of the Parish Centre were interviewed. The final event of the morning was a parish picnic at the Rectory.

Seagoe Select Vestry have been planning to build a new Parish Centre for quite some time but following a number of quite miraculous happenings, the final details and funding package fell into place in a very focused period of time.

The Parish were amazed to learn on Pentecost Sunday (31st May) that the Select Vestry had made the decision on the previous Tuesday evening to proceed with the build and that the work would therefore begin on Monday 8th June! There was an audible intake of breath before a spontaneous round of applause broke out!

Glasgiven Contractors hope to complete the work in about ten months. During this time the Parish will be increasing it's fundraising activities in order to help move towards the £1.4 million necessary for the building. If you would like further details of the project or if you would like to contribute please feel free to contact either the parish office or the Rector.