• 19 June 2009

Bishop Harold condemns racist attacks

Bishop Harold has issued a statement condemning the recent racist attacks in South Belfast.

The spectacle of Romanian families being threatened and driven from their homes in Belfast this past week has been thoroughly depressing, not only because of the negative image it gives our city, but because it highlights the bigotry which continues to exist in our community. As with all difficult situations, we have also seen the best in people being brought out, in the desire of so many to protect and care for those who are vulnerable at this time.

It is vital that all people of good will stand together against what has been happening. Those who are perpetrating these actions want to make our society a place where people from other cultures are not welcome, and the worst outcome is that people will be driven out of Northern Ireland, and that we become a closed, one-dimensional world, backward looking and colourless.

The true Christian message is quite the opposite of what has been happening: welcoming the stranger, celebrating all races and languages, and protecting those who are vulnerable. Of all peoples, the people of this island have needed and benefited from those things when we were strangers in other lands.

Our prayers and support are with the PSNI as they exercise their duty to protect, and it is vital that the whole community stand with them in this. And I call on all of us not to entertain for one moment the kind of conversations which denigrate other races or excuse the inexcusable actions which have taken place. We must be of one mind and determination in support for those who may feel exposed at this time, and do everything we can to reassure them of our welcome in Northern Ireland.