• 17 June 2009

Book Launch

The Long of It: Insights and Reflections by Rev. Canon Dr. S. E. Long (Ernest) will be formally launched at Knockbreda Parish Church Hall on Friday 19th June at 8pm.

The book offers insights and reflections on politics, religion and society from a life spanning over 90 years. The Foreword is written by The Rt. Hon. the Lord Molyneaux of Killead K.B.E.

Rev. Canon Dr. S. E. Long is Senior Grand Chaplain of the Grand Loyal Orange Lodge of Ireland and retired Church of Ireland minister. As author and academic, he has written much on Church and Society, Orange Order history and philosophy, Unionism and Protestantism. He is a recognised authority not only in Ireland, but throughout the world.

He has shared academic studies on Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies in Corrymeela, Holland and several other places with churchmen, politicians, industrialists, sociologists and government ministers. He has written much on social and missional issues for the Church of Ireland, and represented the church at various events and functions.

He is the founder of The Orange Standard, the monthly newspaper of the Irish Institution, and has been a regular contributor, writing ‘Comment' and ‘The Pulpit'. He has lectured on the Order in Ireland, Scotland, England, Canada and USA, and has recently authored the first purely religious publication of the Institution, Think on These Things (Schomberg Press, 2006).

The book may be purchased via the website slievecroob.blogspot.com or at the Good Book Shop, Church of Ireland House.

In praise of the book:

"I have enjoyed reading the book with the insights and reflections on an adventurous life and one touching many other lives in blessings along the way and in many settings."

Rt. Rev. Dr. Gordon McMullan, Bishop of Down and Dromore (1986-1997)

"Those of us who have long enjoyed his company and profited from his wise counsel, commend the book, not least for its insights and memorable contributions to serious thought on matters of consequence to him and us."

The Rt. Hon. the Lord Molyneaux of Killead K.B.E, Leader of the Ulster Unionist Party (1979-1995)