• 06 July 2009

Albany Teen Mission to Ireland

Our link with the diocese of Albany, New York, continues to thrive with the visit of a Teen Mission team to Belfast and Dublin.

The team is being led by Rev. Rob Longbottom (rector, St John's, Ogdensburg) and comprises 18 young people and 5 chaperones.

They are participating in a two week mission focusing on two geographic area and two major events.  Currently the team is attending Summer Madness in Belfast, camping along with 3,000 other young Christians for a transforming week of worship, workshops on discipleship and fellowship.

For the second week, July 7-14, they will be in Dublin participating in a week of street missions through a program called Urban Soul.  The trip concludes with two days of sightseeing in Dublin before returning to Belfast for the flight home.

Rev Rob says of his hopes for the trip: "Each and every one of our students is excited and ready to be transformed by this mission.  The ultimate goal is that through this Mission to Ireland our team would be transformed through the power of the Spirit and be encouraged to be Christian leaders where they live doing everything they can to share the transforming love of Jesus Christ every day of their life.  It is a tall order I know, but we have a great big God and he can do all things."