US billboards attack prayer
Just as our two Deans call the diocese to prayer, a massive billboard campaign is launched in the United States stating that prayer is pointless.
Hot on the heals of the recent atheist bus campaign in London, these new billboards, sponsored by the American Humanist Association, read: “WANT A BETTER WORLD? Prayer Not Required!”
Pete Grieg, (pictured) founder of the 24-7 prayer movement, responds online, questioning aethism's track record in social transformation and highlighting the role of prayer throughout history:
"The world got a little better when the Roman Empire ended its ritual of human sacrifice, an event that can be traced back to a 24-7 Prayer Room in Jerusalem in AD33. The world got a little better with the abolition of slavery in the British Empire, an event that can be traced back to a 24-7 Prayer Room in South-East Germany in 1727. The world also got a little better with the rise of the American Civil Rights Movement, a great consensus that can be traced back to a 24-7 Prayer Room in Azusa Street, Los Angeles in 1906. Yes we want a better world, and yes, that’s why we pray!"
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