• 02 August 2009

"Man of God. We have come for you."

It's hard for most of us to imagine being dragged out of our house to be killed because we have stood up for our faith, for justice, for truth. "Contend for your faith," will be the message at this year's Bishop's Bible Week and it will be taught from the book of Jude by someone who has 'walked the walk'.

Archbishop Ben Kwashi of Jos Province, Nigeria, is an internationally acclaimed Bible teacher who has survived three attempts on his life. He can speak first hand of God's grace and power, experienced in the most difficult of situations.

The province of Jos covers North Eastern Nigeria which has had several outbreaks of religious violence when Christians have been targeted by Islamist militants. The Archbishop has been outspoken and openly critical of the press and the authorities whenever he has witnessed lies and injustice.

Such courage has come at a price, for Ben Kwashi has been personally targeted and his wife, Gloria, and son have been badly beaten. On that occasion Gloria was also dragged through the streets to the diocesan offices which they proceeded to ransack and rob. She was left blind until an operation in Texas restored her sight.

Almost 18 months later, as the family prepared to celebrate Gloria's recovery, four young men arrived to kill the Archbishop, who immediately fell to his knees to pray. "Man of God, we have come for you," they said. "This is not the time for prayer." They took him outside but stopped to negotiate the price of his life. One of them screamed. "I've changed my mind. Let's take him back inside and kill him there." It never happened. They took what money Gloria could find and disappeared into the night.

That's something of what contending for the faith has meant for Ben and Gloria Kwashi. What will it mean for us?

Bishop Harold describes Ben Kwashi as, "One of the most important and courageous Christian leaders of our generation". He warmly invites you to hear more of his insight and testimony at the Bishop's Bible Week, The Jethro centre, Lurgan, from 24-27th August at 8pm each evening.