Tuesday at the Bible Week
Archbishop Ben Kwashi again challenged us from the Letter of Jude as the Bishop's Bible Week continued for a second evening. He spoke from verses 8-13 urging us not to miss out on the mercy, grace and love of God and to be joyful!
Earlier in the evening, Bishop Harold hosted Diocesan Readers and their spouses in celebration of their centenary in the Church of Ireland. Bishop Ben shared some of his thoughts on preaching and once again the gathered guests took the opportunity to pray for him.
As usual, the evening began with worship and Carl McCambley and the Shankill Parish team led us in songs, hymns and some gospel favourites. The reader was a figure well known in Lurgan, CLLR Dolores Kelly MLA, (SDLP), and Bishop Harold expressed his thanks to her for participating.
Bishop Harold and Dean Stephen Lowry of Dromore Cathedral introduced the 24-40 Prayer initiative - 40 days of continuous prayer across the diocese planned for 20th September to 31st October 2009 (see the dedicated website for more details). Dean Lowry spoke encouragingly of his own experience of 24-7 prayer in Dromore Cathedral and urged each parish to participate wholeheartedly.
Picking up on Bishop Ben's challenge to move out from the pew and "become involved in God's exploits", Bishop Harold concluded with a prayer for all present and for the diocese, challenging us to surrender our will to God's so that we might be fruitful.
This evening, Bishop Ben's wife, Gloria, will share her dramatic testimony and the stark reality of contending for the faith in their homeland.