• 21 September 2009

It's begun!

The Diocese of Down and Dromore has just entered a season of 40 days of continuous prayer.

After a short, informal service of worship in Dromore Cathedral, Bishop Harold led the way to the prayer room and was the first to write a prayer in the 'Big Prayer Book'.

The Iveagh Deanery will carry the baton of prayer for the next 7 days at the Cathedral but also at Seapatrick, Banbridge, on Thursday 22nd from 8pm to 8am and at St John's, Dromara, from 8am to 2am on Saturday 26th September. 

The Bishop, in addressing the gathering, said that he didn't know what the outcome of the 40 days of prayer might be, but that, in prayer, we ceded control to God, which could only be a good thing.

The prayer room at Dromore Cathedral has been used before for 7 day vigils and is a space specially created for the purpose. It has several comfy chairs and there are various aids to prayer such as books, Bibles and 'prayer stations' to stimulate thought eg. a world wall with a map and photos. Those using the room are asked to remove their shoes before entering. 

Here are a few shots taken inside the first prayer room. We hope to be able to show you more venues over the next 40 days.