• 30 September 2009

Saying goodbye to "The Boss"

Almost 100 people recently gathered at Church House to say thank you and farewell to Neill Wilson, Diocesan Secretary of the Dioceses of Down and Dromore and Connor for the past 35 years. Staff, members of both Diocesan Councils, Bishops past and present and a former Archbishop, enjoyed speeches, chat and a lovely lunch provided by the Diocesan Office. Neill's wife Joycelyne and daughter Jennifer were also present.

The Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, welcomed everyone before handing over to Mr Tom Stevenson of the Connor Diocesan Council who made the first speech. David Cromie, the Diocesan Accountant, spoke on behalf of the staff, describing "The Boss" as "someone who always displayed great calmness under fire," and who was characterized by "honour, humour and humanity".

Speaking for Down and Dromore, Bishop Harold Miller produced a copy of the Gazette article which announced Neill's appointment at the tender age of thirty. He also showed a copy of the front page of the Belfast Telegraph issued on Neill's first day in the job - 16th September 1974. Bishop Harold pointed out that two members of the judiciary were assassinated that day, and paid tribute to Neill and the other diocesan staff then working in Belfast city centre. He thanked them for their "faithful work done with tenacity, vision and humour over those difficult years, and all the years since."

Bishop Harold presented Neill with an original copy of The Times of London of 16th September 1974 and his wife Joycelyne received a beautiful bouquet of flowers. There was no doubt as the speeches finished that Neill Wilson has through the years ministered with humility, wisdom and great skill.

In 1974, when he took up the post, Neill was in charge of 3 administrative staff and the accounts department had 3 employees. On his departure, the Diocesan Office has 4 secretarial staff, 6 staff in accounts and 2 in reception.  During his 35 years he worked for 6 Bishops of Connor and 4 Bishops of Down and Dromore. Bishops Poyntz, McMullan and Archbishop Eames all attended to honour Neill's invaluable contribution to the lives of both dioceses.

In a speech characterized by his legendary dry wit, Neill thanked the Bishops for their support down the years and for the way they allowed him to carry out his ministry. Looking back, he made special mention of "the office junior," of 35 years ago, Rosemary Patterson, now secretary to the Bishop of Connor and also paid tribute to Canon Edgar Turner. "The Boss", warmly thanked David Cromie and all the diocesan staff, particularly his secretary, Elaine Wright, and Tracy Taggart and Audra Irvine who have both worked in the diocesan office for 20 years. He described them as, "Confidants, supporters and encouragers" who have been "more than dependable."

In finishing, Neill described his 35 years in the job as happy and fulfilling, challenging and sometimes frustrating. "But," he concluded, "my hope is that over the past 35 years of leading the diocesan administration, together with my colleagues down through the decades, we have faithfully played our part in supporting and enabling the clergy of our church to lead the people of these dioceses closer to the Kingdom."