2010 Lectionary readings booklet available
'Sunday and Weekday Readings 2010', a 60-page booklet setting out clearly all the provisions for bible reading in church from Advent Sunday 2009 to the eve of Advent Sunday 2010, has recently been published by Church of Ireland Publishing.
The Season of Advent begins on the 29 November, and with it starts a new liturgical year and a fresh cycle of daily scripture readings. In its fourth year of publication, this helpful compendium has been found valuable as a resource for both clergy and laity: in churches and in homes. Its neat size is convenient for lecterns and makes it conveniently accessible for personal use alongside a bible.
The booklet has been compiled by the Revd Canon Brian Mayne, who has provided the lectionary material for the Church of Ireland Gazette for the past sixteen years. He comments, ‘Tables of readings are a simple and practical asset. When used, they help readers and congregations to hear or read scripture effectively along with other members of the Church throughout the land.'
The price of the lectionary is unchanged from last year, costing £3 in Northern Ireland and €4 in the Republic of Ireland. Copies are available from the Good Bookshop, Donegall Street, Belfast and the Resource Centre, Holy Trinity, Rathmines, Dublin.
Enquiries may also be made to the Revd Brian Mayne on T. 028-4461 2521 or Email: editor.bcp@ireland.anglican.org.