• 24 November 2009

Bishop Harold and Liz cause a stir!

Bishop Harold and his wife Liz were recently "stirring things up" in church. Sunday 22nd was “Stir-up Sunday”, so called because of the Collect of the Day, “Stir up, O Lord, the wills of your faithful people”. 

Stir-up Sunday was, somewhat jokingly and practically, also taken as a reminder that it was time to have the Christmas puddings ready. So Bishop Harold and Liz gathered the children around them to make a Christmas pudding in church. It was some fun and a way of teaching the fact that we all need to be stirred up in our churches and our lives if things are to really be productive! So, just in case your pud isn't ready, here is Liz’s recipe for a light Christmas pudding, passed on from her Mum. Good cooking and good preparations...  

Liz’s Mum’s Christmas Pudding

1/2lb butter/marg 1/2 lb brown sugar  1/2lb currants 1/4 lb raisins                                          1/4 lb mixed peel (It’s easier to replace the mixed peel, raisins and currants with 1lb mixed fruit! Cherries and nuts are optional) 1/2 tsp nutmeg or half a grated nutmeg  1/2 tsp mixed spice 1 large cooking apple, Grated rind of lemon 2 oz flour 1 tsp bread soda (baking soda) 3 eggs 6 oz breadcrumbs A little milk  

Whisk the butter and sugar then add the beaten eggs and flour. Add all the dry ingredients and mix well in. Cook in the usual manner,  ie. put the mixture into a pudding bowl (or bowls) and then into boiling water until cooked. When you’re going to serve it reheat in the microwave or immerse in boiling water again.