• 17 November 2009

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali to preach at Hillsborough

The former Bishop of Rochester, The Rt Rev Dr Michael Nazir-Ali is to preach at Hillsborough Parish on Sunday 6th December as part of their season of Advent services.

Bishop Michael was appointed in 1994, prior to which he was the General Secretary of CMS. Originally from Asia, he was the first non-white Diocesan Bishop in the Church of England. In a surprise move, he stepped down on 1st September 2009, a decade before the obligatory retirement age for bishops.

The Bishop holds both British and Pakistani citizenship and since 1999 has been a member of the House of Lords where he has been active in a number of areas of national and international concern. He is a passionate and forthright Christian commentator whose statements are often picked up in the press.

The Bishop preaches at the invitation of the Rector of Hillsborough, Rev Simon Richardson, who was ordained in Cantebury Diocese which has close links with Rochester.

Bishop Michael will preach at the 10.30am service on 6th December.