Disability Awareness Sunday, 15th November
This Sunday, 15th November, has been designated by the Archbishop of Armagh as Disability Awareness Sunday in the Church of Ireland.
The purpose of specifying a Sunday in the Church year is to raise everyone's awareness of disability and to celebrate the ability of people with disabilities.
In Northern Ireland there are about a quarter of a million people with a disability and in the Republic of Ireland, well over half a million. But we're not simply talking about wheelchair users or people with a physical disability. There are many hidden problems that may disable people in some way - hearing loss or mental illness for example.
As Christians we need to understand the issues that both disabled people and their carers face but the sad reality is that our churches often reflect society's lack of understanding and care. So perhaps this Sunday we could begin to ask ourselves these questions:
What can we do to value disabled people more?
How can we make them welcome in our faith communities?
How can we celebrate the unique contribution they have to make?
And in doing something about it, we will simply be walking in the way of Jesus.