• 15 December 2009

Church of Ireland supports St George's Clinic, Baghdad

The Church of Ireland Bishops' Appeal has provided a grant of €10,000 for the work of St George's Clinic in Baghdad, which is attached to St George's Anglican Church in the city.

The funds will provide significant assistance for the refurbishment of the clinic which was badly damaged in severe bomb attacks at the end of October 2009. The clinic provides free medical and dental treatment to local people, irrespective of their personal faith.

The Church of Ireland Parishes of Magheradroll (Ballynahinch) (Dromore Diocese) and Carnmoney (Belfast) (Connor Diocese) also provided financial support to the clinic, bringing the combined total donation from Church of Ireland sources to $15,500 (US Dollars).

Members of the congregation of St. George's and its Rector, the Revd Canon Andrew White, came together to worship on Sunday 13 December and were joined by the Rt Revd Michael Lewis, Bishop of Cyprus and the Gulf. The cheque from the Church of Ireland was presented on this occasion.

Canon Andrew White and the people of St. George's expressed their warmest gratitude for the kindness shown by the Church of Ireland, saying that the money will be a real help to St. George's in rebuilding its badly needed clinic. They added With good wishes to supporters in Ireland for the coming Christmas, and always.

The Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Revd Alan Harper, said in connection to the support from the Bishops' Appeal, 'It is a joy to have played a small part in the refurbishment process. A happy and (God willing) peaceful Christmas to the united family of St George's, Baghdad. May 2010 be the year when real peace returns to Iraq.'

For information on how to donate to St George's and the Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East, visit: http://www.frrme.org