• 31 December 2009

Dates for your diary 2010

It will be a busy year again in the diocese with a lot of events to bring encouragement to young and old, clergy and lay alike.

The dates for some events are not yet confirmed but here are some definites for your diary:

8-10 JanuaryReflect Youth Leaders Weekend at Castlewellan 16 FebruaryClergy Quiet Day with Bishop Bill Love at Carryduff Parish Church17 MarchSt Patrick's Day Celebrations  at Saul Church and Down Cathedral19-21 MarchConfirmation Weekend at Castlewellan Castle  6-8 MayGeneral Synod in Dublin 11-13 JuneAlbany Convention17 JuneDiocesan Synod at Jethro Centre, Lurgan 2-6 JulySummer Madness Sub Camp at King's Hall 23-26 AugustBishop's Bible Week with Dr Christina Baxter 18-21 OctoberClergy Conference in Donegal Town with Bishop Tom Wright