• 08 December 2009

New Book on Reader Ministry in the Church of Ireland

Did you know that the first Diocesan Reader in The Church of Ireland was to be found in the parish of Kilkeel? 2009 marks the centenary of the lay office of Reader and to mark the occasion, George Leckey, a Diocesan Reader in Connor Diocese, has written a new book entitled Reader Ministry in the Church of Ireland.

The book provides an informative, historical record of the office within Ireland rich with personal insights. The author says, 'I was keen to give information on the human face of this ministry, so, as well as the historical aspect there is information on some of the personalities involved. This includes accounts of the first women Readers which I hope will be of interest.

Some of the rules and regulations placed on the early Readers and some of the unusual incidents are also recorded. I hope along with the facts and figures on the growth of the Reader ministry that the book is a lively account of lay people involved in serving God and the people in this way.'

Until now, while there have been several substantial publications on this ministry in the Church of England, there has been very little information available on Readers in Ireland. The centenary year is, therefore, an appropriate time to rectify that situation through the publication of this new book.

The cost of Reader Ministry in the Church of Ireland is £6 in Northern Ireland and €6.50 in the Republic of Ireland. Copies are available from the Good Bookshop, Donegall Street, Belfast and the Resource Centre, Holy Trinity, Rathmines, Dublin. It is published by Church of ireland Publishing.