• 30 December 2009

A personal message from Nigel Mumford

Many of you have been praying for our dear friend and brother Nigel Mumford, Director of the Spiritual Life Centre in our link diocese of Albany. The great news is that he continues to improve and we thank you for your prayers. Here is an extract from a recent letter to Bishop Harold:

Dear Bishop Harold, "How very kind of you to keep me in your prayers... It is so good to be alive and at home.  I am shuffling around on a zimmer frame with a plastic lead for oxygen.... so I have a way to go but I am getting stronger every day...  I see my doc on the morrow to find out when I can get the tracheotomy and feeding tube out and to get of the rather strong pills that I am on.... I am so ready to get back to work....  THANK YOU again for your prayers... i know that I am alive because of them.... " God bless you, Fr. Nigel+

Here is the latest update from the Albany Diocese website

Fr. Nigel is improving each day. Yesterday he went to one of his doctors, his first time out of the house since his arrival home, and he was taken off of all of his heart medications. THANK YOU LORD FOR YOUR HEALING TOUCH. This is good because he will no longer be on blood thinners and he will not have to have an injection every day. So today is the first day since October 10th, 2009 that he is needle free! Alleluia and Thanks Be To God!

Fr. Nigel continues to gain strength although it is slower than he would like. His mind is ready to do all sorts of things but his body is not strong enough. His oxygen dependency is decreasing. He only needs it during periods of activity. The bedsore is becoming less painful and is healing so the surgery that was scheduled for next week has been cancelled. Our Lord hears your prayers.

His mind and spirits are as quick as ever. A group of staff from the Spiritual Life Center went over to his home to sing carols outside of his window and Fr. Nigel greeted them with jokes and quips in between songs. It was uplifting for all.

Please pray for:

  • Strengthening of his muscles

  • Complete healing and renewal of his lungs

  • Continued healing of the bedsore

  • Strength and patience for Lynn and Megan as they aide Fr. Nigel in his recovery

We give praise to our Lord for His healing of Fr. Nigel and of so many others. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord Jesus.