• 18 December 2009

Please keep giving to the Black Santas!

Belfast's Lady Mayor, CLLR Naomi Long, has lent her support to the Black Santa Sitout for Charities at St Annes Cathedral.

The sitout began on 17th December and the Dean is encouraging folk to keep giving, despite the cold and the recession. The total has passed the £151,000 mark - a little short of the £200,000 target that will make a real difference to the many smaller charities that the sitout supports.

On 17th December presentations of cheques were made to the Order of St John and the Order of Malta for their work at home and in Israel. The presentations were made by Dean Houston McKelvey of St Annes Cathedral, and Very Rev Hugh Kennedy, of St Peters Cathedral.

Dean McKelvey said, "Both Cathedrals - St Annes and St Peters - have been actively involved with these orders over the past year. A service was held in St Annes and a concert in St Peters. The donations from the Sitout to the two orders is to enable their work here and in the hospitals which the Orders maintain in the Holy Land. "

The Order of St John maintains an eye hospital in Jerusalem, and the Order of Malta supports a maternity hospital in Bethlehem, on the West Bank, about fifty yards from the birtplace of Jesus Christ. These hospitals open their doors to everyone regardless of national origin, religion or ability to pay. 

The Back Santas will be on the street in front of the cathedral until Christmas Eve from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm each day so PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY!