• 25 January 2010

Another new website in the diocese

The Parish of Christ Church, Kilkeel, have just launched their new website which they hope will be a major contributor to good communications within the parish. You can view it at www.christchurchkilkeel.org

The site, designed by David Henderson Design is fairly simple in construction and is updated using a content management system called Expression Engine. A number of people can be trained to add content, which, once you get the hang of it, is as straightforward as word processing. Even technophobic rectors can be taught!

Annette McGrath, a parishioner who oversaw the project (and happens to be our own DCO) outlines the golden rule and major challenge to a successful site:

"Keep it up to date!"

"It will mean someone in the parish (other than the rector) keeping their ear to the ground and being a conduit for news and photos, but that's what will keep your visitors coming back. It's also important to be realistic about the amount of time you can devote to it's upkeep. Better to be less ambitious and do a good job than burden yourself with unattainable goals. Establish what you want to communicate and go for it! "

If you want help or advice on getting a parish site up and running, please contact Annette on dco@down.anglican.org