• 14 January 2010

Barrel for Haiti gives £50,000 to Christian Aid

The Dean of Belfast, Dr Houston McKelvey, has presented a cheque for £50,000 to Mrs Margaret Boden of Christian Aid-Ireland for relief work in Haiti.

Dean McKelvey said, "The cheque represents the first payment from the donations placed in “The Barrel for Haiti" since Thursday of last week. Once again the people of this community have shown their generous nature, and I thank them most sincerely. It is important that relief agencies like Christian Aid receive additional support at times like these.

“Several local churches have also sent generous donations to the barrel, and the collection from the inter-church service in the Cathedral marking the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity has been given to this initiative.

“The Barrel for Haiti will remain in the Cathedral until February 7 when the annual Good Samaritans' Service is held at which representatives of local charities and community groups will receive donations from the customary pre-Christmas Sitout which raised £255,000.”

The barrel is just inside the front door of the Cathedral and the Cathedral Stewards and staff will welcome visitors. Gift Aid envelopes are available. The Cathedral is open from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm on weekdays and from 10.00 am - 1.00 pm  and 3.00 - 4.30 on Sundays.

Donations can be made by post to The Dean, Belfast Cathedral, Donegall St, Belfast BT1 2HB. Cheques should be made payable to Belfast Cathedral - Haiti.