• 20 January 2010

Please pray for the Christians in Jos

Our 2009 Bishop's Bible Week speaker, Bishop Ben Kwashi, has written to ask for our prayers as violence breaks out in Jos, Nigeria. (Jos was the scene of wide scale violence in November 2008 during which over 100 people were killed and many places of worship, predominantly Christian, were destroyed).

He writes:

"Brothers and sisters in Christ,

New Year greetings to you

We had a wonderful Church service and were about to disperse when we received a call that some part of Jos in Nasarawa was on fire. I was quick to make calls to find out what the real trouble was. In times of crisis the stories are many and varied and often the truth gets tucked away somewhere in the corner.

We can now call for your prayers specifically for God to cause restraint and avert retaliation and senseless destruction of property in the state. We will also appreciate support in prayers because the cycle of violence MUST be broken for peace to take root and allow development to follow. It is becoming quite discouraging for those who wish to do business to settle in Jos.

Reportedly Christians were going to or coming from their various church services Sunday Morning, when near St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church in Nasarawa, Jos, about 200 Muslim youths who had been working on a building site began molesting the Christians who were passing by. It was then revealed that some of these youths were wearing military uniforms and were armed with machetes and guns. They blocked the road and tension rose when the Christians tried to force their way along the main street.

Subsequently, the Christians began to flee and fighting broke out. At least 20 people have reportedly been confirmed dead (including some Muslims who died when the Christians defended themselves). There were also reports that one church has been attacked (details are awaited). Some 35 persons have so far been arrested; these are mainly Muslims with weapons and military uniforms. Fighting and burning of properties has now spread to other area of the city.

Over the last 2 months, there has been concern over widespread rumors of plans to bomb the homes Christian leaders and to kill senior members of Christian churches.

At 5pm yesterday, 17 January, there were unconfirmed reports that 2 other churches had been attacked and were burning."

The Lord be with you,

+ben jos