Saintfield raises £7500 for Haiti
The people of Saintfield Parish have facilitated a mammoth fundraising effort for Haiti, collecting £7500 in 10 days.
They began with a week-long lunchtime prayer vigil and offered folk the opportunity to give to the relief effort. They also arranged a Saturday collection, a car wash and a coffee morning with cake sale. Last Sunday's retiring collections brought the total up to £7500.
The Rector, Revd Chris Pollock, commented, "Saintfield as a community really stepped up to the mark and it was marvellous as a Christian family to engage with the local community and to act as a channel for their donations."
Last week, June Butler, Diocesan Secretary and member of Saintfield Parish, handed over the fruits of "Phase One", a cheque for £5200, to Dean Houston McKelvey and the Cathedral's Haiti Barrel.
Have a look below at the car wash!