• 02 January 2010

Statement by the Archbishop of Armagh on the Death of Cardinal Daly

From The Most Revd Alan Harper, OBE, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland

It is with deep regret that I received the news of the passing of Cahal Cardinal Daly. The Cardinal was a most distinguished scholar as well as an outstanding leader of the Roman Catholic people of Ireland.

During the most challenging of times the Cardinal gave wise and courageous leadership both as Bishop of Down and Connor and subsequently as Archbishop of Armagh. He was a fearless and forthright champion of peace and justice, always speaking out unambiguously on community issues during the darkest days of the Troubles.

In retirement the Cardinal sustained his academic interests and his devotional life with a generosity towards fellow scholars and those who sought to nourish the interior life that was the hallmark of the whole of his life.

I count it a privilege to have known him and send my sincere condolences to his family and share the sadness of all those whom he influenced for good in his life. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

+Alan Armagh