• 03 January 2010

Will you live by faith or fear in 2010?

Another year, another decade, but how will we live it?

Here's a few questions to ponder as we embark on the year 2010:

1 Will I love the truth enough to live it? 2 Will I choose to live by fear or by faith? And following on from that, 3 Will I choose to play it safe or take risks?

The choice is ours, the consequences either way absolutely huge. I long for all of us to love the truth enough to truly live it, by embracing honesty and brokenness and sacrifice and surrender. I long for all of us to choose the freedom of living by faith rather than being shackled by fear. And I long for all of us to choose to step out of our comfort zones and see what God can and will do with someone willing to risk his/her all on the reckless pursuit of the Kingdom of God.

Let’s do it! Otherwise we’ll end up echoing these sad words:

To sinful patterns of behaviour that never get confronted and changed, Abilities and gifts that never get cultivated and deployed - Until weeks become months And months turn into years, And one day you’re looking back on a life of Deep intimate gut-wrenchingly honest conversations you never had; Great bold prayers you never prayed, Exhilarating risks you never took, Sacrificial gifts you never offered Lives you never touched, And you’re sitting in a recliner with a shrivelled soul. And forgotten dreams, And you realise there was a world of desperate need, And a great God calling you to be part of something bigger than yourself – You see the person you could have become but did not; You never followed your calling. You never got out of the boat.


Simon Guillebaud Great Lakes Outreach