• 19 February 2010

100th Anniversary Guiding Service

On Sunday 21 February, 900 Guides will gather at St Anne's Cathedral, Belfast at 3.30 pm to mark the 100th anniversary of guiding in the city. It is also the Guides 'Thinking Day’ when they think about their Guide promise, and about Guides around the world. 

Led by the County Commissioner, Valerie Maxwell, the service will be conducted by past members, Leaders and Guides including Irene Lockett of the Trefoil Guild, Anna Brown, Lucy Macfarlane, and Ivy Lee, Vice President of Guiding Ulster. The speaker will be Revd. Margaret Ferguson, a Methodist minister in the Shankill area of the city. The praise will be led by the Guides’ Singing Circle.

The Guides will be welcomed by the Dean, the Very Revd Dr Houston McKelvey, who commented, ‘This service is definitely different to our customary civic service. It is going to be really hands-on with the Guides themselves presenting action songs, a puppet show and a group of dancers.

‘We are delighted to host this major event in this year which celebrates all that Guiding has done for the young people of this city and internationally, over the past century. In recognition of this record of service and their current work, we will be making a presentation to the City Guide Association from the funds given to the pre-Christmas Sitout at the Cathedral for local groups working with our youth. The Guides are most worthy of such recognition and support’